SaidLaguel - Chat with him - Rencontre Seine-Maritime

Man, 56 years old
France (76)
SaidLaguel - Chat with him - Rencontre Seine-Maritime


je vais faire cours je discute avec toutes personnes je recherche une relation sérieuse une femme de mon age mais j echange avec la personne qui a de l humanité en elle , maintenant je dis je discute c est normal une relation serieuse ne se fait pas en 2 minutes c est mal connaitre la personne quand vous aller aux champignons vous dites bien j cherche je pense trouver les rechechent sont pareil les femme s sont des plantes comme les hommes mais ces plantes si ne sont


Looking for a woman



Size & Weight

140 cm 40 kg

My interests


I am pretty popular


Zodiac sign


Last sign of the zodiac, Pisces represent the renewal but as the last in the loop it is as a sign of immortality, regeneration and spiritual reincarnation. The Pisces is becoming, altruistic and selfless. He is a delicate person, which expresses tolerance. Attentive to others he can even forget himself for others. Indulgent, his profile let him help others. He feels the need to comfort and often wants to save all the people He hates conflict. The Pisces can adapt himself to all situations and to everybody. He is pleasant and delicate. He often does not express his feelings. He is anxious and sometimes even arrogant. He is also defeatist and offen feel melancholic. He likes to monopolize the conversation. Pisce weak point : he is not self-confident. This sign is also led by intuition and dreams.


Albert Einstein, Ophélie Winter, Isabelle Huppert, Victor Hugo, Alain Prost, Juliette Binoche, etc.

Chinese Zodiac


Monkey is malicious, agile and he is skillfull. He has enormous skills and knows quickly how to build strategies to settle situations that they have to face. He has class and is convincing but cannot always be considered at his real value. Monkey can suffer from a superiority complex.


The natives of the Monkey are attractive. Very clever they are valued for their sense of humour. They are good at business and to solve problems. The natives of the Monkey are people excited, exciting and skillful.


The natives of the Monkey can be tricky, proud, scornful and disloyal.

My lucky numbers are

3, 4, 5, 7, 16, 23, 34, 45, 54,